Scomparso Arthur Firstenberg

Apprendo ora da Stop 5G di Maurizio Martucci la scomparsa di questo gigante – ma i media parlano così solo degli attori, e non di chi lo è veramente stato. Riporto la sua ultima newsletter che ho ricevuto. Personalmente uso per lo più un telefono non smartphone ma comunque cellulare, anche perché mi sposto spesso. Invece di pretendere da me di passare allo smarfo, gli amici dovrebbero porsi qualche domanda in più sui loro incessanti invii di foto e altre ca..ate.

È morto Arthur Firstenberg, un grandissimo a livello mondiale nella lotta per la verità sui pericoli dell’elettrosmog. Nella sua ultima email, pochi giorni fa immancabilmente inviata con una connessione protetta via cavo (e non certo col Wi-Fi), scriveva di essere molto debilitato e al limite delle forze. Per tutto quello che ha fatto senza mai risparmiarsi nulla, lo ringraziamo dal più profondo del cuore. È sempre stato un esempio, ha messo davanti ad ogni cosa l’attivismo, rimettendoci anche in salute. Grazie per il leale e indomito impegno nell’avvertire il mondo sui gravi pericoli dei campi elettromagnetici. Grazie per tutto quello che hai fatto per aiutare la natura e l’umanità e grazie per le tue newsletter e i tuoi libri. Ci mancherai. Mancherai a tutti, una grave perdita: buon viaggio, caro Arthur.

Alleanza italiana stop 5G

Questo il suo sito con informazioni anche in italiano: Our Mission • Cellular Phone Task Force

                    CHOOSE LIFE! To those of you who have given up, and have adopted cell phones, I repeat my message of the past three decades, and its salient parts:
 To own a cell phone is to irradiate the whole Earth and everything and everyone on it. The radiation from a cell phone does not stop at the walls of your house; it travels to a cell tower that may be 50 miles away, or to a satellite that may be 22,000 miles away, and it irradiates every person, animal, plant and bird inbetween. It irradiates your neighbors and it irradiates me.
 A cell phone is no more consensual than a cell tower or a smart meter. Your neighbors have not given their consent to be irradiated by your cell phone; neither have the birds and animals on your land or in your neighborhoos; neither have I.
 When you call me on your cell phone, the frequencies emitted by your cell phone are what travel throug the air and over the wires to my landline phone to irradiate my body from my landline phone. It is not your real voice that travels into my house, but a digital simulation of your voice constructed from those frequencies. Those frequencies do not magically disappear just becuase they ride on my telephone wire.
 Not only does your cell phone expose you, your children, your nearby neighbors, and the birds and animals in your yard to more powerful radiation than any cell towers, but the harm does NOT depend on power level. It is the information in the cell phone signal that is recognized by and harms your cells, NOT the power level. The more information your cell phone transmits, the more harmful it is. Near-zero power levels can be just as harmful as high levels.
 Microwave radiation exists in nature only at levels billions of times lower than is emitted by any of our wireless devices. And pulsed, digital frequencies do not exist at all in nature. We evolved without them, and they interfere with our life force.
 Because people are irradiated by their cell phones day and night (they emit radiation even when turned off), people do not know or recognize what their phones are doing to them. They think their trouble sleeping, their body aches, their “tinnitis”, their unstable blood pressure, their memory loss, their hair loss, their hearing loss, and their vision loss are “normal”, and that their cancer, diabetes, obesity, or heart disease are due to “something else”.
 Because people do not recognize how much of what they feel and experience in the world is caused by their cell phones, they think they can “neutralize” the radiation with various devices. They can’t.
 You cannot use a cell phone, even in an emergency, without all the cell towers and satellites on Earth being there at your beck and call.
In sum, to own a cell phone is to choose radiation. To own a cell phone is to choose the destruction of the Earth. 
 Arthur Firstenberg  President, Cellular Phone Task Force
Author, The Earth and I (Skyhorse Publishing 2024)Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life (Chelsea Green Publishing 2020)
  P.O. Box 6216Santa Fe, NM 87502
+1 505-471-0129December 31, 2024  Subscribe to my newsletters.
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