
Gender-affirming model still based on 2014 faulty Dutch study

Scarica il mio articolo che rivela tutti i difetti dell’unico studio “scientifico” che approva la transizione sessuale dei minori, a partire dal blocco della pubertà: http://www.danieladanna.it/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/gender-affirming-models-faulty-study.pdf The article is academic, but the journals I sent it to always refused to peer-review it “the criticised article […]


https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Epkp8pTO6l0 The trans train documentario della televisione pubblica svedese con sottotitoli in inglese, realizzato e trasmesso da SVT, aprile 2019 Da prenotare per i prossimi festival del cinema LGBT!  

SI inverte la rotta sui “bambini trans”?

All’inizio di aprile il Times ha pubblicato diversi articoli allarmati sulle transizioni di minorenni effettuate dalla Tavistock Clinic – qui i links agli articoli: Calls to end ‘transgender experiment on children’ It feels like conversion therapy for gay children, say clinicians (il più sconvolgente) Families ‘exploited […]

Cosa succede in Canada

Un interessante articolo in inglese su dove portano i regolamenti e i “rimborsi spese”, sotto la spinta dall’interesse di cliniche e avvocati a diffondere la maternità surrogata: torontolife.com/city/baby-making-business-surrogacy-market-toronto/ qui alcuni estratti (per chi non sa l’inglese: google translate è migliorato tantissimo): Under Canada’s Assisted Human […]

Papers about and presentations of Contract Children

All files:  https://www.dropbox.com/sh/xj4n34rfb58bp3y/AABufJ0flXvw7gTf0GgqWowna?oref=e&n=61282066 “Equality in reproduction? Surrogacy and its discontents” presented to the conference Social Class in the 21st century. Intersections between class, gender and sexuality revisited, Amsterdam Universiteit, 22-23.10.2016 “What is a family? Sexual and dependency ties in law and utopia” presented to the […]

Contract Children. Questioning surrogacy

Il mio ultimo libro, “Contract children. Questioning surrogacy”  (Ibidem, Stoccarda 2015), è disponibile da ottobre nelle librerie che lo ordinano. flyer_contract children La tesi politica del libro – che raccoglie una riflessione sul significato di “famiglia” sotto il patriarcato e oltre, una ricerca sullo statuto […]

Presentation of Contract Children in Skala Eressos

12th September at 18 http://www.womensfestival.eu/programme-2015.html Maria Sereti of the Lesbian Group Lesviki Omada Athina (http://www.loa.gr) introduced me, in the framework of the Women’s Festival 2015 audio

Non-monogamies and contemporary intimacies, conference in Lisbon

Conference website: https://nmciconference.wordpress.com/ Audio: https://www.dropbox.com/s/is36tdc17qgk5n6/danna%20poly%20lisboa.MP3?dl=0 My abstract: What is a family? Sexual and dependency ties in law and utopia The legal recognition of polyamorous relationships is proposed and debated (e.g. Aviram 2008, Stricherz 2013), opening up the issue of what should a legally recognized family […]

Expo come Macchina (sulla teoria di Alf Hornborg)

Testo del paper presentato a Binghamton alla prima conferenza sull’ecologia-mondo scarica il paper “Mega-events and the resuscitation of capitalism: the case of Expo 2015 in Milan”, paper presented to the conference World Society, Planetary Natures: Crisis and Sustainability in the Capitalocene and Beyond, Binghamton University, […]

Social Class in the 21st Century: convegno a ottobre

Audio Amsterdam Centre for Globalisation Studies (ACGS) and Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies (AMCIS) http://arcgs.uva.nl/news-events/events/social-class-conference/social-class-conference/content/folder/social-class-conference.html The question of social class has re-emerged as a central concern for the analysis and politics of gender and sexuality in the public sphere in many societies worldwide. The ascent […]

“Population dynamics and world-systems analysis”

“Population dynamics and world-systems analysis”, in Journal of World Systems Research, vol .20, n. 2, pp. 207-228 http://www.jwsr.org http://www.jwsr.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Danna_Vol20_no2.pdf  

Venezia, 3a Conferenza sulla Decrescita

Dal 19 al 22 settembre si svolge a Venezia la 3a Conferenza internazionale sulla Decrescita (lingua ufficiale: inglese). L’Associazione XXD, di cui faccio parte, ha organizzato un seminario su Denatalità e decrescita, cui parteciperanno anche presentando delle relazioni Ferdinanda Vigliani con Paola Leonardi e Giuliano […]

A faithful country? Lesbianism and polyamory in Italy

International Conference on Polyamory & Mono-Normativity Research Centre for Feminist, Gender & Queer Studies University of Hamburg, November 5th/6th 2005 polyamory

Care work for elderly people

Care work for elderly people in different welfare regimes: the cases of Italy, Germany and Denmark, paper presentato al convegno ECSR di Parigi (25-26-11.05). paris comparison

Organisations active in the field of prostitution in a comparative Western European Perspective

Organisations active in the field of prostitution in a comparative Western European perspective alla sezione “Prostitution and trafficking as political issues” delle Joint sessions dell’ECPR (Copenaghen, 14-19.4.00). paper ECPR Danna